Korean movie Obsessed 2014, Lim Ji Yeon nude sex scene. Super body curve

"Obsessed" (Korean: 인간중독) is a 2014 Korean film. Staring Lin Ji-yeon, and Song Seung-heon. It is based on the 1969 Vietnam War and South Korea's dispatch of troops to Vietnam. It is not a war film but a A romance film in which a colonel played by Song Seung-heon falls in love with the wife of a subordinate played by Lim Ji-yeon. The movie highlight is combined of 3 part: introduction (5 minutes) + the passion (9 minutes) + the ending (12 minutes), a total of 26 minutes. The nude sex scene start from 05:00.

Actress Lim Ji-yeon has a naturally sweet face and a well-curved figure. She has won multiple newcomer awards and nominations for the movie "Obsessed". In 2022, she once again attracted attention for her role as the villain Park Si-jin in the TV series "Dark Glory". She also participated in the second season of "Money Heist: Korea" as the mercenary and girlfriend of Berlin, the professor's brother.

Korean movie Obsessed 2014, Lim Ji Yeon nude sex scene. Super body curve本文章出自:zmav.tv Korean movie Obsessed 2014, Lim Ji Yeon nude sex scene. Super body curve

Korean movie Obsessed 2014, Lim Ji Yeon nude sex scene. Super body curve

Korean movie Obsessed 2014, Lim Ji Yeon nude sex scene. Super body curve

Korean movie Obsessed 2014, Lim Ji Yeon nude sex scene. Super body curve

Korean movie Obsessed 2014, Lim Ji Yeon nude sex scene. Super body curve本文章出自:zmav.tv Korean movie Obsessed 2014, Lim Ji Yeon nude sex scene. Super body curve

Korean movie Obsessed 2014, Lim Ji Yeon nude sex scene. Super body curve

Korean movie Obsessed 2014, Lim Ji Yeon nude sex scene. Super body curve

Korean movie Obsessed 2014, Lim Ji Yeon nude sex scene. Super body curve

本文章出自:zmav.tv Korean movie Obsessed 2014, Lim Ji Yeon nude sex scene. Super body curve
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